Tattoo Aftercare

Remember: Your new tattoo is delicate – treat it nicely or it may get damaged

1. Leave wrappers on.

If we wrap your tattoo with plastic before you leave the shop, leave it wrapped overnight to prevent any bacteria from entering and to allow any blood to clot.

2. Ice it.

Icing your tattoo helps reduce the swelling and makes you more comfortable overall. It will also help in the healing process of your tattoo.

3. Keep it Clean.

With clean hands, remove the bandage and wash gently with warm water and a mild unscented antibacterial soap. Allow the tattoo to air-dry 5-10 minutes before applying any ointment; do not rub it dry with paper towels, napkins, rags or bathroom towels.

DO NOT use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean your tattoo; your tattoo needs to stay moist to heal – those products will dry it out.

DO NOT use a washcloth, loofa, sponge, or anything besides your bare hand to wash your tattoo; these will be too abrasive to a fresh tattoo.

4. Protect it from Germs.

Make sure your hands are clean every time you apply ointment or lotion to your tattoo as the introduction of bacteria or dirt will cause an infection.

For the first 3 -4 days, after washing the tattoo, apply a small amount of your favorite tattoo aftercare product (A&D, Aquaphor or Bacitracin) Lightly apply a thin layer of ointment over the tattoo. Apply 3- 4 times a day as your tattoo dries out.

DO NOT Glob on the ointment, this will keep your tattoo over moisturized, may cause issues with healing.

DO NOT use Vaseline or Petroleum jelly- it will fade your tattoo.

5. Moisturize.

After the first 3-4 days, switch over to a good unscented moisturizer and apply whenever your skin feels dry or tight; keeping it moisturized will ensure the least amount of scabbing and peeling, thereby reducing the fading of the color.

Lubriderm and Eucerin are recommended. If your skin starts breaking out, however, you’re using too much.

6. Sun is Bad.

Exposure to the sun will fade your tattoo. Exposure to the sun in the first few weeks after getting a new tattoo will also be painful. Once the tattoo has healed, make sure to use a light layer of SPF 50 or higher sunblock over the tattoo or keep your tattoo covered.

7. No Soaking or Swimming

For at least 2 weeks after you get tattooed, avoid baths, hot tubs, lakes, rivers, water parks, etc. Any of these activities can expose you to harsh chemicals or bacteria and NEITHER is good for your tattoo. Soaking the tattoo will cause the scab to come off faster, and along with it some of the ink.

8. No Picking or Scratching

Like any wound to your skin, your tattoo will itch during the healing process.

DO NOT SCRATCH IT. Scratching or picking will remove the scab and possibly some of the color from the tattoo. Apply lotion or gently pat your tattoo to relieve any itching.

9. Ink Bleed

It’s totally normal for your fresh tattoo too “bleed” ink during the healing process, be mindful of wearing clothing that you are alright getting ink on, as well as putting down a towel, depending on where your tattoo is, on your bed so you can avoid getting it on your sheets.

During the healing process it’s normal for your new tattoo to be swollen for the first few days. After those first few days, if your tattoo becomes red, swollen, or there’s pus coming out- seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY.